My group to do site offers a calendar view which lists different types of calendar entries:
- Due dates of tasks
- Reminders of tasks
- Dates of project-specific fields
- Meetings (premium projects only)

Dates will be marked in the calendar (mostly; there is a minor bug which sometimes prevents the dates being displayed) and additionally in a list below. Dates will be shown for the current month; go back/forward with the “Earlier/Later” links. Note that dates will be represented for a month only, independent of a year – so an entry on 15.2.203 will also be shown on 15.2.2024 if it still exists by then (I might change that behaviour soon).
The icon will create a vcalendar-entry so you can add this date to your Outlook/Smartphone/… calendar.
Clicking on the title of calendar entries of types 1, 2 or 3 will lead you directly to the task. These calendar entries will be deleted or changed when you delete or change the respective task.
Entries of type 4 (“meeting”) are different: These can only be manually created (in premium projects) by clicking on the “Create meeting” button, which is bound to author/admin permissions in this project. Also updating or deleting such a meeting requires admin permissions in the project. Also, you can create a meeting directly from a task via the task menu.
Each “meeting” will automatically have a videoconference link added to it, provided by the free videoconferencing software Jitsi. No installation of any software on your computer or smartphone is required to join a Jitsi conference (although there are native Apps which enhance the experience). At least one participant of the Jitsi conference needs an account at Jitsi (e.g. with a Goggle mail address). You can also join such a Jitsi conference by phone with phone numbers in specific countries.
Each meeting will also automatically receive a Whiteboard link which offers a joint whiteboard for drawing. This is provided by
Everyone in the project can give feedback (joining or not?) for a meeting; only administrators can delete that feedback. Note that you can give feedback only once for all your combined devices. Also, everyone can set a reminder for himself ; if set, this will sent a notification 30 minutes prior to the meeting date/time. Note that notifications must be switched on for that.
Similar to tasks, you can export the meeting information with the sharing icon. This will open a new screen with a random link, independent from your current project. This means that anyone who knows that link (e.g. an external person to whom you share the link) can see the meeting information and join the videoconference without being able to see any other task or information from your project. Use this to invite people ad-hoc to a meeting without giving them access to your project.